Thoughts On...Parabatai: Part 2 - Jace & Alec

The first set of Parabatai that we meet in the Shadowhunter Chronicles universe in the first Mortal Instruments novels, City of Bones, is Jace Herondale and Alec Lightwood.  It is through Jace and Alec that we as the readers first get to explore what the Parabatai bond is and what it means to Shadowhunters, and ultimately us as fans.

We learn in City of Bones that Jace and Alec share a rune with each other that binds them together for the rest of their lives.  As we learn the Parabatai rune when shared between two Shadowhunters makes those to better and stronger together.  We see this in the books.  Alec and Jace fight better when they are together.  The runes that they put on each other are stronger, and they can feel what the other is feeling when the emotions are strong.

They both know that the love a Parabatai is supposed to feel for the other is a filial love, non romantic.  It is even against the Law for Parabatai to be in romantic love with each other, and is one of the most harshly punished offenses.  Alec believes he is in love with Jace and fears telling him, because he is afraid that the person who he cares for most will hate him for it.  Of course we know two things.  One that Jace would never hate Alec for anything he could do, and that he will always fight by Alec's side no matter what happens.  We also know that a one sided love, or a crush does not break the law.  It is only against the law when both Parabatai are in love with each other.  So, there Alec wouldn't need to worry, if he truly were in love with Jace, because Jace's feelings for Alec are in the purest form of the bond.

We even see the bond between Jace and Alec tested.  In the second book, City of Ashes, Valentine attacks the Silent City killing dozens of Silent Brothers and stealing the Mortal Sword.  Since the Inquisitor can no longer keep Jace locked up in the Silent City agrees to let Jace stay locked up with Magnus at his loft.  When Jace sneaks out of course the Inquisitor finds out and she comes to cuff Jace and take him back to the Institute to lock him up.  While the Inquisitor is using her stele to cuff Jace, while everyone is in Magnus' apartment watching, both Isabelle and Clary objected loudly and angrily.  What is Alec doing, you might ask?  He all but agrees with what the Inquisitor is doing.  He even uses the Clave's motto, The Law is Hard But It is the Law.  Much to Izzy's ire.  

Now if you are like me the first time I read this I was really upset.  I mean from what I had read in City of Bones and so far of City of Ashes I was thinking there is no way Alec would betray Jace like that.  Even if technically they would be going against the orders of the Clave, Alec would never.  Jace, back at the Institute, is locked up in what is called a Malachi configuration, and it creates a force field that would kill him if he tried to cross it.  Jace is trapped, what could he possibly do to get out.  Then what happens?  In walks Alec.

Alec has come to save the day, and break Jace out.  He tells him that he sided with the Inquisitor when she came to chain him up because he wanted her to believe Alec was truly siding with her.  He wanted to be able to get in to see Jace without the Inquisitor thinking twice.  And he did.  Well played Alec Lightwood.  He than convinces Jace that there is a way to get out of the Malachi configuration.  If he can't go through than go over.  Alec believes in Jace that he is the greatest Shadowhunter of their generation and that if he would just jump he could jump right over the top, and he does.  

Alec is the most law abiding of our young heroes and he believes whole heartedly in the Law and the Clave.  But we find out that Alec's believe and loyalty belong, not the the Clave but, to his Parabatai.  Alec is continually choosing Jace over the letter of the law for we find that his real loyalty is to Jace and his family, and is the heart of who Alec is.  No matter how angry, annoyed, or frustrated Alec may get with Jace (a Herondale trait) he always has his back and will always fight at his side. 

Throughout the course of the Mortal Instruments we see both Jace and Alec fighting by each others side if till the end if necessary.  Thankfully that didn't happen, the till the end part.  But they were always there for the other when they needed them the most and that is the true heart of what being a Parabatai means.

Till Next Time Friends


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