Differences in Season 1 Episode 12: Malec

Be aware that there will be some slight Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows spoilers in this blog post.  So, if you haven't read up to Lord of Shadows be warned.

Wedding preparations, please make this nonsense stop.

Alec says that he and Magnus understand marriage differently.  But really it's the show that understands marriage differently.  Arranged marriages are just as strange and uncommon for Shadowhunters as it is for us in our contemporary world.  And we see evidence of this in the new Lord of Shadows book.  When we first meet Zara Dearborn in Lord of Shadows she introduces herself as Diego's fiancee (Diego you jerk).  We find out a little later in the in the novel, from Diego's brother Jamie, that Diego and Zara's engagement is an arranged one so that the Dearborn family can gain power.  When the Blackthorn family learns of this they are just as shocked and mystified as we are as readers.  Livvy can hardly believe that two people would go through with something so barbaric as an arranged marriage.  So, clearly this is a figment of the shows imagination and not a real Shadowhunter thing.

So, I know that I have mentioned the whole mass amounts of computers in the Institute being wrong before.  But now I have some actually canonical proof that computers are shunned by Shadowhunters for being a part of the Mundane world.  In Lady Midnight we learn that Blackthorn twins Ty and Livvy have a computer that they can't tell anyone about because it is forbidden.  Then in Lord of Shadows we learn that the reason the Shadowhunters forbid computers is because it is a part of the Mundane world, and anything that has to do with the Mundane world is forbidden.  Such as Mundane technology, science, and medicine.

In this episode we see three pictures of Warlocks that the Institute believes may be more powerful than Magnus.  First Ragnor is supposed to be green, just as Catarina is supposed to be blue.  Also, an most importantly, that picture of Tessa Grey is 100% the opposite of what I  have pictured her to be from the books.  And if the show decides to introduce Tessa as a character they better cast her very well.

In the show Clary, Jace, and Magnus travel to Ragnor's country home in London to find him.  The only thing is is that Ragnor's home is supposed to be in Idris outside of Alicante.  Also, Jace and Magnus are not the ones that accompany Clary to Ragnor's, it is actually Sebastian that goes with Clary.  Although, Magnus does make an appearance by pretending to be Ragnor in front of Sebastian after freezing him to talk to Clary.

Then there is the fact that when Clary gets to Ragnor's he is already dead.  Killed previously by Sebastian so that he can not tell Clary what he knows.

When our three travelers get back to the Institute they realize that they have been betrayed by someone close to them.  In the books they don't realize that there has been a betrayal until the moment that Hodge actually betrays them to Valentine.

Clearly the Bachelor's party doesn't actually happen, because the whole wedding is a non -existent farce.  But that open and heartfelt conversation between Jace and Alec, even if it didn't happen, was absolutely perfect.  And we need to see more of these moments between our Parabatai, instead of the not believable fighting.

Magnus obviously doesn't see Ragnor after Ragnor has died.  But I get why they did it.  The show needs a way to get the information about the Book of the White to Magnus and this solves the problem.

Can we take a moment to talk about the colors worn at the wedding.  We all know the Shadowhunter rhyme about the meaning of the different colors in the Shadow World.

Black for hunting through the night
For death and mourning the color’s white
Gold for a bride in her wedding gown
And red to call enchantment down.
White silk when our bodies burn,
Blue banners when the lost return.
Flame for the birth of a Nephilim,
And to wash away our sins.
Gray for knowledge best untold,
Bone for those who don’t grow old.
Saffron lights the victory march,
Green will mend our broken hearts.
Silver for the demon towers,
And bronze to summon wicked powers.
— Shadowhunter children’s rhyme

Does anyone but me find it ironic that both Alec and Lydia are wearing white, the color of mourning?  The color for a bride is gold.  I also find it interesting, knowing the meaning of colors in the Shadow World, that Isabelle is the one wearing gold.

Let me start off my saying that when the Malec kiss happened I totally had a ten year old fan girl moment and freaked out the first time I saw it, and I still get a little squishy when I see it.  That being said, I feel like the show has fast forwarded Alec and Magnus' relationship.  Because they chose to fast track their relationship there is now so much they will be unable to do.  Now that Alec is so clearly out we won't be able to see Alec struggle with his feeling for Magnus and telling those he loves about it, and much more.

The Book of the White is hidden at the old Wayland Manor house in Idris, and Jace and Clary are the ones who go there to retrieve it.  This is also where they meet the angel Ithuriel for the first time, but we don't meet him till season 2.  Camille has never had the Book of the White.

In the show we see Hodge attack Lydia to get the Mortal Cup.  In the books it is Clary and Jace who have the Cup, and Hodge attacks them to get it.

Once again we see Maryse and Robert Lightwood having switched roles among their family.  In the show it is Maryse who reacts horribly to Alec's relationship with Magnus, and Robert is loving and understanding.  I'm sorry WHAT?  That is not how it's supposed to happen, not at all.  In the books it is Robert who all but disowns Alec when he first learns that his son is in a relationship with another man.  And Robert reacts this way because of his relationship with his own Parabatai Michael Wayland, after Michael professes his love to Robert.   Of course Robert never speaks to him again. I've already talked more about Robert and Michael's relationship in my Thoughts On...Robert Lightwood blog, here's the link.


Valentine appears to Hodge as an image because of the rings that the two of them are wearing.  Just curious as to what Valentine can really do for Hodge while he's a hologram and so far away?  I feel like Valentine should at least be in the room to remove Hodge's curse.

Till Next Time Friends,


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