Differences in Season 1 Episode 1: The Mortal Cup

I'm going to start off by giving all my readers a Spoiler Alert.  Each one of these blog entries will be going over events in both the show and the books, while discussing the differences.  And giving my opinion on those difference. If I agree, disagree, or understand but prefer the original.

The first difference of course is the ages of our heroes.  In the first book, City of Bones, Clary Fray is 15 about to be 16, and in the show she has just turned 18.  I completely understand this change, because it's easier on the creators of the show to age them up.  I like the cast as a whole, and I think their older ages suits the characters in the visual of the show.

Second, there's Maureen Brown.  When we meet Maureen in the show she is the same age as Simon and Clary, and is the only other member of Simon's constantly name changing band.  In the books she is 14, a groupie of the band, and completely in love with Simon.  While I understand the reason behind these changes to Maureen I think there is so much the the writers of the show don't realize that the books version of Maureen can give them.  The writers wanted to give Simon a possible love interest, but the obsessive and crazy child that she is in the books gives her a melodramatic and evil take on the vampire that she becomes that I'm not sure the shows Maureen would be able to pull off.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see what else she brings to the show

Then there is Luke the police detective.  In the books Luke is the owner of a book shop, seeming rather docile.  I do like Luke and his profession in the books, but I think Luke as a detective also suits him.  It's understandable why they changed this because it gives Luke another dimension, and shows off parts of Luke that used to be a Shadowhunter.  It also gives the show an opportunity to go places and do certain things they wouldn't be able to do otherwise.  As I'm sure we'll see going into the show.

In the show Dot is an employee of Jocelyn's and an actual warlock.  In the books Madame Dorothea is a neighbor of the Fray's and a mundane raised by warlocks, but still a mundane.  Having seen Dot's roll in the show I like and agree with the changes, although I'm a little sad that we won't be able to see the scene in the books where Dorothea is taken over by the greater demon Abbaddon.  Simon certainly has his moment there.

Now, when Jocelyn gives Clary a stele as a birthday gift this actually upsets me.  Because this choice goes against who Jocelyn is essentially as a person.  The one thing that Jocelyn would never do at the beginning of the story is tell or give Clary anything that has to do with the Shadow World.  Which is why giving Clary a stele is both random and annoying.

Does anyone else think they high teched the Instituted up a little too much?  One thing about the books that I always liked was the way the Shadowhunters were always making comments and sarcastic remarks about things Simon would say about technology because they didn't have it, and didn't know what it was.  I understand why they did it, but I think it takes away a certain dimension that I rather liked.  Also, isn't there a few too many Shadowhunters roaming around the halls of the Institute?

The fact that Clary and Jace meet outside the Pandemonium Club for the first time isn't a big deal at all.  I just want to say that every time I see Simon's face when Clary and Jace are talking I can't help laughing hysterically.

The dress Isabelle wears to Pandemonium in the show is a dress that makes her look like any other mundane girl at a dance club looking to have a good time.  The dress that Isabelle wears in the City of Bones, and in the movie, is one that makes her stand out.  It's a dress that makes her something special.  Because Shadowhunters and something special and something from another time, just like that beautiful dress Isabelle wore in the book.  It made me sad she didn't wear it in the show.

Once again Jocelyn is telling Clary things that she wouldn't tell her.  Shadowhunters, runes, seraph blades, and portal oh my.  And oh no.

What's with Chernobyl?  Why does he need to be half way across the world when he can go to Renwicks, like he does in the City of Bones.

One thing that has been bothering me with the show is the way that the Shadowhunters are using portals.  Shadowhunters are NOT able to just create a portal because they want to.  Magic needs to be used to create a portal, which means that a warlock always needs to be involved when creating a portal, but on the show they are basically never there when they make one.  Shadowhunters just seem to be able to make them on their own.  Where as in the books Clary is the only Shadowhunter who is able to create a portal on her own.  It's one of the things that makes Clary special.

This is just a small thing, that I only make note of because I just finished re-reading The Infernal Devices.  Ravener demons are not shape-shifters, like the show is saying, but are purely insectile mindless drone like demons.  The shape-shifting demons in the downworld are Eidolon demons.  Being such a huge fan of the books sometimes makes me take little changes seriously.

Don't get me wrong changes or not I really enjoy the show and can't wait to see what they do with the second half of season 2, and meet Sebastian.  He's always been my favorite villain.

Just one more thing.  It really bugs me when on the show the characters keep constantly saying that Clary looks just like Jocelyn.  I get that in the books she looks just like her mother, but the actresses who play them don't really look a like.  It's driving me crazy.  But what are you going to do 🤓😄😘

Till Next Time Friends


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