Thoughts On...Robert Lightwood

So, you're probably wondering why I decided to choose such a small character for my first "Thoughts On..." Blog.   I've been seeing on Shadowhunter fan forums that people are choosing Robert Lightwood as their least favorite character.  I decided to do this blog on him, and then realized that it was a great blog idea in general and that I would continue it.  But it's only fair that I start with Robert Lightwood.

I've noticed that not only do a lot of people choose Robert as their least favorite character, but note that the reason that they don't like him is because he cheated on his wife Maryse.  If that is the only reason that they are picking him then I think he is being overlooked.  I'm not saying that he's a great guy, and he's certainly not even close to being one of my favorite characters, but there are definitely others that I like less.

In my opinion, I think that Robert is a character that has more to him than readers give him credit for.  If you've only watched the show then all you've really seen of him is that he had an affair, and that's certainly not very likable.

In the books when Robert first finds out about Alec's relationship with Magnus he wants nothing to do with his son.  The reader sees this and automatically assumes that he is a homophobic jerk and want nothing to do with him.  And with what we have, as the readers, at this point in the text it's a fair assumption.  In the final Mortal Instruments book, City of Heavenly Fire, Robert and Alec have a bit of a heart to heart at Luke and Jocelyn's wedding.  He tells Alec that the reason he took his son's announcement so poorly was because his own Parabatai, Michael Wayland, professed his love for Robert.  This in no way excuses the way that he treated his son, but I think it gives a little more insight into who Robert is as a person, and a Shadowhunter.

Now I want to talk briefly on the whole affair business.  Yes, Robert cheated on his wife, and again there is no excuse for that.  Cheating is never ok no matter the reasons that you have, no excuses.  If you've read the books then you know that Robert cheated on Maryse back before Max was even born.  In fact it was the fact that Maryse became pregnant with Max that both her and Robert decided to not split up even though she knew about the affair.  Here's my problem with the whole thing.  It isn't what Robert did that was the worst part of all this.  What Maryse, in the books, ending up doing afterwards I believe was worse.

In the books Maryse tells Isabelle, then about 13 (I'm not 100% about the age, but it's around there), about the affair.  She tells her daughter to not tell anyone else about the fact that her father cheated on her.  Then even worse proceeds to tell her, young and impressionable, daughter not to trust men that they'll only ever hurt you.  This is what originally caused Isabelle to bounce from relationship to relationship without ever creating any real attachments, until Simon.  I personally always thought that Maryse's behavior during this time was worse than Robert's cheating.

Moving on, we get a few more interesting aspects to Robert Lightwood in the Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy.  In the story "The Evil We Love" Robert and Isabelle Lightwood visit the Academy to lecture the students about the Circle.  In this story we get a glimpse into Robert's head.  We see that when Michael was telling Robert about his love for  him, we as the reader actually get to see what Robert is thinking.  What Robert really wants to do is tell Michael that it's ok.  That it doesn't matter how he feels, that it doesn't have to actually change anything, that they are still Parabatai and that is what matters most.  But ultimately, as a scared and insecure teenage boy he's afraid that others will believe him to be gay as well.  It's fear that causes him to turn his back on Michael.  Also, Robert has always seen his friendship with his Parabatai to be the one constant in his life, he could always count on Michael to be right there for him.  Now with one conversation what he sees is that one constant changing irrevocably.  He doesn't know what to do, and in the end he chooses to turn his back.  He of course has always felt guilty about his decision, and I think that is why he took in Jace.  Believing, at the time, to be Michael's son Jace Wayland.

Also, at the end of this same story Robert has a talk with Isabelle (and awkwardly Simon).  He tells Isabelle that he never really understood what love actually was, and ultimately that was why his relationship with Maryse fell apart.  It wasn't until Alec, Isabelle and Max were born that he truly understood what real love was.  And even though he was no longer married to Maryse (They are clearly both happier apart) he loves her, Isabelle, and Alec like he's never loved anyone else before.

Then in the short story "Born to Endless Night", also in Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy, we see another side to Robert.  And that is grandpa.  Alec and Magnus decide to adopt the abandoned blue baby warlock.  Pretty much everyone in Alec's family shows up: Isabelle, Jace, Clary, Maryse, Robert, and of course Simon is already there.  Before Alec and Magnus can even agree on adopting  the baby, everyone assumes that they are.  We see Robert take to the baby warlock as if he is his own flesh and blood grandson, wanting to hold and play with the blue baby as if he weren't another downworlder.  Lastly, Alec and Magnus choose to name the child after Alec's little brother Max.  At first they are afraid that Robert will be angry with this choice.  But in fact we see the opposite.  Robert is proud and excited to see this new child inherit his  lost son's name.

These are just a few thoughts on Robert Lightwood that I had.  So, before you judge him as your least favorite character give him as a whole a little more thought.  I can think of at least half a dozen other characters who I dislike more than him.

Till Next Time Friends


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