Differences in Season 1 Episode 7: Major Arcana

I'm going to start off by saying that there is absolutely no way that Simon would ever sleep with Maureen.  For any reason what so ever.  I know that they changed Maureen to be older and actually Simon's friend, but I feel like this is just too wrong to even think about.  All I can imagine is little groupie preteen Maureen and Simon having sex, ack.

The majority of this episode takes place at Luke's police station.  So, in general that means just about the entirety of this episode wouldn't have been able to happen.

The next two aren't issues I have, but things I actually quite liked.  The first one was when Clary was trying to inconspicuously get to Luke's desk in the police station.  The look on Jace's face when Clary slaps him is just perfectly priceless.  I mean it's absolutely perfect.  She even apologized for it before it even happened.

The second one is when Jace and Clary meet up with Alec and Izzy outside the station to figure out how to break into the evidence room.  Alec says it's a problem.  Jace responds with, "Demon pox is a problem, this is an inconvenience."  There's just something about those Herondale's and the demon pox.  If you've read The Infernal Devices than you know exactly what I mean.

I was wrong there were three things.  Alec's flirting with the lady cop was just about as awkward as you'd not only expect but would ever hope he would be.  Alec could you get anymore adorable?  That's a rhetorical question, because no he could not.

In the books I don't think I've ever seen Alec stay behind when the rest of his team goes on without him.  Especially if his Parabatai were going off as well.  That being said, I can actually believe it.  I can 100% see Alec in the mist of dangerous demon slaying staying behind to protect the people he cares for most in the world, his sister and his Parabatai.  Even though I don't think it happened Alec would do it.  The safety of those he loves has always come first for Alec.

I just realized while watching this episode that in the books Camille is a blond, while in the show her hair is a very dark brown.  Here's a picture below of what Camille, according to the books is supposed to look like.

I'm just curious, but why when Clary is pulling the Mortal Cup out of the tarot card does it look like the shows version of a portal?  I mean, every time Clary has put an object into drawing form there's been no fan fare or anything like that.  But now all of a sudden because it's the famed Mortal Cup something spectacular is happening.  It just seems a little inconsistent for me.

I think this one was for some dramatic affect, but it completely threw me and not in a good why. So, why when Elaine Lewis, Simon's mom, sees Simon's room destroyed and Simon missing does she drop a plate full of food?  Like I said dramatic affect.  But is it really believable that she would drop a plate full of pasta to shatter on the floor just because Simon is missing?

Never in the books does a demon pretend to be Jace forcing Clary to stab him.  Although, I enjoyed watching Clary stab Jace with the Seraph Blade, and then the look on her face when for just a moment she thinks she really just killed him.  You know I was going to start off this point by saying that in the books Clary never needed to stab Jace, and then I was like wait.  City of Lost Souls and Glorious.  Ok, let me rephrase, Lol.

It in this episode we get our first Clace kiss.  Clary kisses Jace at the main operations area of the Institute after surviving the demons and retrieving the Cup.  As much as I loved, and had a slight fan girl moment, over seeing Clary and Jace kiss for the first time I was a little sad that it wasn't like in the books.  In the books the first Clace kiss in in the greenhouse of the Institute.  It's midnight on Clary's birthday and Jace has just shown Clary this beautiful flower that only blooms for a few minutes at midnight, and then kiss.  It was all very romantic, and I think the City of Bones movie handled this perfectly.

Till Next Time Friends


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