Differences in Season 1 Episode 8: Bad Blood

The first thing that I noticed in this episode is between Clary and Alec.  Of course, it is true that in the books Alec, at first, doesn't like Clary and is even openly hostile towards her.  But I've been noticing that the way the show is handling it Alec comes off as more whinny than angry.  I just think in the show he's been doing more complaining than in the books.

Simon becomes a vampire in this episode.  It is way too soon.  So many very important things should have already happened before this point.  Like Jace and Clary have been told they are brother and sister, and the birth of Climon.  I never liked Clary and Simon as a romantic couple, but I think it's very important.  They start going out and Simon realizes they aren't meant to be together like that all before he becomes a Vampire.  We'll discuss Climon more in season two.

I'll make this one quick and easy.  Camille is not, I repeat not, Simon's sire.  Raphael is.  When Simon was turned into a rat in the books he bite Raphael and that's how he got his blood in is system.

Again with the Shadowhunters creating and using portals without the help of Warlock's.  The show just keeps going back and forth on this point.  They don't need a warlock, then they do, then they don't again.  At this point just make up your mind, and be consistent.

Isabelle tells her parents that she believes that the Seelies are going to side with Valentine.  That is not true.  It's not Valentine they end up siding with but his son Sebastian, and that actually is a huge distinction.  Because it's not until Sebastian and the Dark War in the second half of the books do they turn on the Shadowhunters.

I'm still trying to figure out what it is that the Lightwood's have done that is so dishonoring to their name.  So, the Lightwood kids, and Jace, went on a few missions without asking for permission first.  So what?  They're teenagers shouldn't that be expected?  They're talking with and dealing with downworlders.  They're Shadowhunters, isn't that what they are supposed to be doing?

Let me be very clear, no where in any of the Shadowhunter mythology is there a rune that allows a Shadowhunter to change the way they look into another person.  In fact I find this rune to be an insult to the mythology.  If you've read the Infernal Devices than you know that Tessa, as a warlock, has the ability to change her appearance into another being, and get into their minds.  It is specifically stated that the Shadowhunters have never seen anything like this ability before.  But according to the show they should have always had this transformation rune, because all the runes they can use where given to them by the Angel Raziel.  Of course this is just my personal opinion, but by doing this in the show they cheapen what Tessa is able to do in the Infernal Devices.  And this won't be the last time that the show screws with the mythology of the Infernal Devices, but more on that later.

When Lydia tells the Lightwoods that the Clave doesn't need to tell them what is going on, I'm thinking to myself "I'm sorry what?"  I'm pretty sure that the Clave needs to keep it's leaders informed of what's going on.  My real problem with this moment here is that I think the show is using the word Clave wrong.  When the show uses the word Clave they make it sound like those that are in charge, but the Clave it's self is the entire body of of age Shadowhunters.  What I think they actually mean when they use it this way is more like the Consul and the Inquisitor, since they are the ones who are actually in charge of the Clave as a whole.

There are two forsaken attacks in this episode.  And even though there is a forsaken attack in the first book, City of Bones, neither of these attacks happen.  The first is at the Werewolves hangout the Jade Wolf, and the second at the Institute.

When Simon is brought to Clary, and the other Shadowhunters, dead she deals with the situation without ever going to see Elaine Lewis, Simon's mother.  Although, I will say it made for some good dramatic effect.

Luke literally just became Alpha like the day, maybe two, before how does Lydia already know he is the leader of the wolves.  Yet, despite knowing this about Luke she doesn't know that Magnus is the High Warlock of Brooklyn.  Does that seem weird to anyone else?  Also, if Luke is a werewolf and Valentine is trying to kill him why is she hung up on the fact that he used to be in the Circle?  She seems to be focusing on the wrong facts.

Speaking of Lydia, she doesn't even exist.  Why does her husband being killed mean she can't run the Lisbon Institute?  It can't be just because she's a woman, cause we dealt with this issue already when Charlotte became the first female Consul in the Infernal Devices.

So, I didn't realize it was such a huge secret that Robert and Maryse Lightwood were in the Circle, yet their children are so surprised when they find out.

Lydia tells Alec that her ancestor Henry, along with Magnus Bane, created the portal.  Let me quickly explain why Lydia can't be a direct descendant of Henry Branwell of the Infernal Devices.  Henry's wife was Charlotte Fairchild.  As I mentioned a couple points up Charlotte became the first ever female Consul, the highest position in the Clave.  When she became the Consul her and Henry decided, because of her position, that their children would take her last name.  So, we have Charles and Matthew Fairchild.  Jocelyn Fairchild and her daughter Clary are in fact direct descendants of Henry and Charlotte, and Clary gets her vibrant red hair from Henry himself.  So, when Lydia says that Clary is her distant cousin it is actually Clary who is Henry's descendent and Lydia that's a distant cousin to them, otherwise she'd be a Fairchild and not a Branwell.

Isabelle is a downworlder pathologist?  What?

Now, as for the flashback with Luke and Jocelyn.  When Luke becomes a werewolf Jocelyn believes he is dead until she hears news that a werewolf who used to be a Shadowhunter became the head of a pack.  Not what we see in the show where Jocelyn is already siding with Luke that Valentine may have gone rogue.

In the graveyard we see Camille coming after Simon's body so the Clave doesn't find out she broke the accords.  Since Camille has yet to appear at this point in the books none of this could have happened.  Also, we see Clary punch Camille because she doesn't appreciate Camille saying Simon doesn't matter.  As a vampire is it really believable that Clary could have caught her off guard so much that she was actually able to hit her?

Let me end this blog off by saying that I don't believe Alec for any reason what so ever would ask Lydia to marry him.  Especially not since she seems to be trying to destroy his family, which include his sister and his Parabatai.  I know that show is trying to make drama and complications for our young heroes, but Alec would not do this.

Till Next Time Friends,


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