Differences in Season 1 Episode 9: Rise Up

Let's start off with Meliorn's arrest.  This doesn't happen.  Mostly because, as I mentioned in last weeks blog, the Seelies don't ever side with Valentine.  So the Shadowhunters would have no reason to suspect them of betraying them.

When Izzy says she doesn't believe Lydia about not having wanted to arrest Meliorn my first thought was I don't believe you either Lydia.

In this same scene we hear Alec calling his parents hypocrites because they were in the Circle and now are loyal to the Clave.  I think Alec should look to himself first, cause he is only marrying Lydia because he is angry at his parents.  And I only mention this here because we all know I don't believe that Alec would ever go through with this charade we call a marriage.

Meliorn hasn't done anything wrong, and the Clave doesn't have any thing proving he broke the accords.  So, wouldn't that mean that the Shadowhunters by taking Meliorn to the City of Bones to be tortured are themselves breaking the Accords?  Think about that.

In this episode we see Clary literally on the run from the Clave, and she goes to Raphael and the Vampires for help.  I don't believe the Clave is ever really hunting her like that so she would have no need to go running to the Vampires for help.  Especially since Simon would rather die again than go to the Vampires.

Can I just quickly point out that in the books Valentine already has control of the Mortal Cup before the Clave becomes directly involved.  It's all about the show wanting to create more drama and action.

Jace and Izzy would never plot against Alec.  But this is exactly what they do in the show when they ask Magnus to steal Alec's stele so they can abscond with the Mortal Cup and Clary's portal shard necklace.  They wouldn't do this to Alec, mostly because Alec would never put them in the situation to have to.

Alec tells Magnus that he is taking Magnus' advice to follow his heart and to do what he wants not what his parents want.  That's when Alec tells Magnus that he has asked Lydia to marry him.  How is Alec marrying Lydia following his heart?  That just seems like an oxymoron.

It's clear Alec knows that what they are doing to Meliorn is not the right thing to do, but Lydia convinces him it is.  Actually what I see is Lydia manipulating Alec into doing it.  She says that her husband died because she wasn't able to do what was necessary.  The question Alec needs to ask himself is, is doing what is necessary worth losing your humanity?  Because that's what would happen if he were to have done what Lydia was proposing.

What's this downworlder entrance to the City of Bones, I've never heard of that before.  But that's were they go to save Meliorn from being locked up in the Silent City.  Also, never in the books have our young heroes ever quite so directly fought against the Clave and other Shadowhunters.

By refusing to not go along with Lydia and her plan for Meliorn Alec is essentially turning his back on both his sister and his Parabatai.  These are the two people, at this point, that he would never turn his back on.  We than see Alec and Jace fight each other.  WHAT???  This is not even close to being possible.  They would never fight against each other, for any reason.  I don't care what's going on, but the Alec we know and love would never chose Lydia, someone he has literally just met, over Jace who is his best friend, brother, and Parabatai.  He's known Lydia for all of at the most three days, and somehow we're supposed to find it believable that he chooses her over Jace?  Yeah right.

Jace says after this fight, "I don't want to be alive if we're on different sides, Alec."  This is absolutely, 100%, something Jace would say because that's how much he loves Alec, his Parabatai.  The only problem is, is Alec loves Jace just as much and he would never put Jace in the position to have to say something like this.  In the books even when Jace and Alec were at odds, Alec was always there for Jace.  For example in the second book, City of Ashes, the Inquisitor Imogen Herondale arrests and locks up Jace because she believes he is in league with Valentine.  At first we see Alec agreeing with the Inquisitors decision stating that, "The law is hard, but it's the law."  Then we learn that the only reason he appeared to agree (even though we know that Alec believes in the law and the Clave) with the Inquisitor was so that he could come and go without suspicion and break Jace out.  What we see is that Alec always has Jace's back even if he doesn't agree with how Jace goes about doing things.

At the end of this episode Meliorn tells Clary and Jace that he can help them find Valentine.  This isn't something that happens in the books.  But I will say that it will make for a great next episode.  And I can't wait to share my opinions on it next week.

Till Next Time Friends,


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