Differences in Season 1 Episode 10: This World Inverted

The first thing I'd like to say is actually not a difference but something that is in the books.  It is the fact that inside the Seelie Court there are portals to other dimensions.  Just read City of Heavenly Fire.  The gang gets to the Demon world, Edom, through a portal in the Seelie Court.

Meliorn doesn't really have a lot of interaction with our heroes in the books.  He certainly doesn't help Clary and Jace go through a portal into another dimension.  Except for briefly dating Izzy in the first book, City of Bones, and a few brief scenes in City of Heavenly Fire he doesn't do much with our group.

Let me just be clear, Isabelle is never, for any reason, arrested.  I actually find it a little odd that she was.  I mean we as the audience know what she did, but if you think about it, the Clave is arresting her because one Shadowhunter thinks there may have been another Shadowhunter there.  He only thinks that there was another Shadowhunter there and he certainly doesn't know who it was, so why was Izzy singled out?  I didn't realize the Clave arrested Shadowhunters on the assumptions of one, without proof or corroboration, especially when in the show there are so many other Shadowhunters to choose from.  Is it really just because she dated Meliorn, because how is that proof, right it's not.

I realize that in the previous episode Simon agreed to join the Manhattan Clan under Raphael so that Raphael would  join the alliance that Clary was proposing, but I still can't see Simon actually caring what Raphael tells him what to do.  Raphael tells Simon to parley with Werewolves, but Simon would really just blow Raphael off.

You know how earlier I said that the show was right and the Seelies do have portals to other dimensions in their lands, well the one thing that the Shadowhunters don't need is permission to enter them.  Go back to City of Heavenly Fire, if they needed permission to use the portal they never would have made it to Edom to save the day.

I know there's not much you can say about the alternate world beyond the fact that it didn't happen in the books.  That being said, I really wish the writers would have had the foresight to say something about Clary's brother while there.  Maybe in the kitchen when she's having breakfast with Jocelyn and Valentine one of them could have said something like, "I wish your brother could have made it home from college for the party."  That would have been perfect, alas it didn't happen.

We also find Luke about to be arrested in this episode because of what the other cops think, cop, Luke has.  Since Luke was never a cop in the books he never finds himself in a position to be arrested.  That being said, Simon never attacks a police officer.

Never in the books have I heard of demons entering the Seelie lands.  So, I wonder is it because demon can't get there, or just because it's never been brought up.  And if it is the former how does the demon get to the portal to go to the other dimension?

CHURCH!  We finally see Church in the other dimension living with Magnus.  Can I just say that we really need Church to show up in the real world, because if you've read all the books you realize just how very important Church is to almost every series.  And he's the best, and original, grumpy cat.

Did Alec really just tell Lydia, the person who arrested Isabelle for high treason, that Izzy is actually guilty of what they are charging her with?  Oh hell no.  Just because you asked someone to marry you, who is essentially a random stranger, does not mean you can betray your sister to them.  Because Alec wouldn't, the marriage or the betraying Izzy.  Just because she does kind of help them doesn't mean I trust her.  Even now in season 2 I still don't really trust Lydia, what at any point she's going to do.

So, Shadowhunter writers just so you know the Parabatai bond, except for death and becoming a downworlder or Silent Brother, is unbreakable.  There are ways to deaden and dull the bond, but ultimately only those three ways break it.  There is something else we learn in Lord of Shadows, but I'll let you read the book to find that out.  Something as lame as Parabatai tracking would in no way break this unbreakable bond.  And on top of that there really is NOTHING Jace could do that would make Alec risk breaking it.

Simon of course never pretended to be a serial killer, but I could see him doing it if Luke were really in that position.  Besides it was damn funny watching him do, almost classic Simon, even if it didn't happen in the books.

Can I just say that the awkwardness of Barista Jace in the alternate world is 100% hilarious to watch.

OMG!  The way that the show is treating Jace and Alec's relationship in Season 1 is driving me crazy.  Alec would NEVER say that Jace is dead to me, for any reason.  Especially since Alec knows that Jace has no idea any of this arrest business is going, and if he did Alec should know Jace would be there in a second.  

Michael Wayland?  No, no, and HELL NO.  First time I saw new person and Jace saying this is my father I was like no it is not.  It can't be, IT CAN NOT BE.  You all know what I mean.  Of course you will find out how I feel about this playing out in the next episode.

Hope you enjoyed this Differences blog, and I'm sorry it took so long to get it going again and I'm once again hoping to keep up the momentum.

Till Next Time Friends


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