Thoughts On...Alec (As Seen on TV)

Today let's talk about Matthew Daddario, the actor who plays Alec Lightwood on the Freeform show Shadowhunters.  Enjoy.

I think that Matthew looks a lot like how I had always pictured Alec to look.  He's tall, thin but still has the Shadowhunter muscle to kick demon ass, and has black hair.  The only difference is that he doesn't have those startling blue eyes that Alec does in the books that he inherited from his long ago Herondale ancestor.  You all know who I'm talking about.  It's actually one of the things that first draws Magnus to Alec.  Because as we know Magnus has always had a thing for boys with black hair and blue eyes, and not just Alec but a certain William Herondale.  But aside from not having blue eyes Matthew is a perfect Alec.  He doesn't just have the look he is also a phenomenal  actor who can take any part and make it his own.

As with any book to screen adaptation there are always going to be changes that happen, it's to be expected, because there are just some things that can't really be translated well to a screen.  Some changes are well done and others for fans of the books are done not just poorly, but sloppily and takes away from the mythos of the world already created.  And we see both of those with the way the Alec Lightwood that is seen in the Shadowhunters show.

One thing that the show has done perfectly with Alec is the way that they have captured his grumpy sarcasm in the way he deals with this new mundanes thrust into the Shadow World.  In the first seasons second episode when our heroes are at the Silent City hoping to get back Clary's memories Alec, Isabelle, and Simon all wait outside while Clary and Jace go in to see the Silent Brothers.  Simon, of course being Simon, won't stop his nervous talking and Alec says, "I can't be here anymore," and walks off.  This clearly doesn't happen in the books, because only Clary and Jace go while the others stay behind at the institute, but it's so perfectly Alec that you can't help but love him.

Now I'd like to talk a little bit about the bond between Alec and his Parabatai Jace.   In the books this bond is unbreakable between these two.  There is nothing that neither Jace nor Alec wouldn't do for each other, even if they are upset or angry with the other for one reason or another.  Yet, in the first season of the show we don't really see that.  We hear Jace telling Alec that his best isn't good enough, and that's something Jace would never, and I mean NEVER, say Alec.  And we see Alec basically turning his back on Jace and telling him that he won't go with him.  This also is something Alec would NEVER do.  Because in the show when Alec and Jace are fighting about the imprisonment of Meliorn, Alec is sincere in his intent when he tells Jace that he won't go with him.

Although, in the books even when it seems that Alec is going to choose the Law over Jace we find out that it is an act and not real.  In City of Ashes when the Inquisitor finds out that Jace had been to see Valentine she handcuffs Jace and locks him up in the Institute.  I was honestly upset the first time I read the book and Alec didn't stand up, or even try to fight, for Jace.  He just recited that the Law is hard, But its the Law.  But a little later we see that Alec was playing a part in front of Inquisitor Imogene Herondale so she would relax her watch on Alec.  Because then we see Alec sneak into where Jace is being help captive and helps to set Jace, his parabatai, free.  That is Alec, even when he doesn't agree with Jace he's got his back no matter what.  We don't really see that aspect of the bond in season one, but season two seems to tackle the matter much better.

There is so much more that I could talk about when it comes to Alec and Jace as parabatai, but I won' t do that here.  I'll go more in depth on this when I return to my Thoughts On...Parabatai series.

Now a little bit about how the show has dealt with Alec and his relationship with Magnus.  Let me start off with saying that I adore Malec, that are just the most adorable thing ever.  I love seeing Malec together on screen.  Harry and Matt just have this chemistry on screen that is just perfect.  Separate they are amazing but together perfect.  Absolutely Perfect.

When they  first meet we get a lot of the shy and awkwardness that defines Alec in the first few books when it comes to his feelings for Magnus, a man.  At first Alec isn't sure he's able to let anyone know how he feels because he's afraid of what his parents and the Clave will think of him not only being gay but being gay with a downworlder.  And we see that in the way Matt portrays Alec with Magnus in the first part of season one.  But than the whole Alec proposes to Lydia Branwell, who shouldn't exist, and is set to marry a woman and a Shadowhunter.  Ummm what?

As much as I understand why the show did this, I absolutely hated this story line.  And it's not because I feel like it's taking away from Malec, but because it doesn't accurately portray who Alec is, as we've gotten to know him in the book.  He says he's going through with the marriage to restore his family's name and honor but he's clearly doing to spite his parents who he just learned were part of The Circle.  And I don't feel like Alec would be quite that petty.  And I was counting down the episodes until they ended the farce that was Alec and Lydia.

Now back to Malec and the episode of the same name.  I feel like the show because of the wedding story line completely rushed things with Malec and their relationship and really not for the better.  I mean I'll admit it when Alec left Lydia at the alter to go to Magnus, and kiss him in front of everyone, I was freaking out like a twelve year old fan girl.  But because they did it this way we miss a lot of growth and maturity in Alec when it comes to his relationship with Magnus that we won't be able to see now that he has already professed to everyone that he is dating Magnus.  In the books we see Alec hiding his relationship with Magnus from his parents and everyone because he is afraid of what they will think.  Then Alec slowly begins to realize that you shouldn't have to hide that kind of love, and when Magnus is hurt in one of the battles in Alicante in City of Glass, Alec is no longer afraid to let others know how he feels.  Unfortunately, there is now no way we will see this growth in Alec.  Which makes me a little sad because Cassandra Clare did it absolutely beautifully.

Overall, I will say that Matthew as Alec Lightwood is the perfect version of Alec come to life on screen.  He plays the character in a way that not only brings a beloved character to life but has the fans falling in love with him all over again.

Till Next Time Friends


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